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Sunday, May 15, 2011

boost mobile galaxy prevail

boost mobile galaxy prevail. Image comment: Boost Mobile to
  • Image comment: Boost Mobile to

  • nateo200
    Mar 27, 01:22 PM
    If this update isn't less than perfect and awesome then allot of people will be pissed. Notification systems needs to be better well added really since it cant even compare to android but at the same time when they work on it it shouldn't be a copy of android. Something apple-esk...not that I don't think the android notification system isn't cool...I love it but apple always has to be unique. iOS also over all needs some spicing up, I don't mind it but I know a bunch of complainers.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile Announces Samsung
  • Boost Mobile Announces Samsung

  • chrmjenkins
    May 3, 02:48 PM
    I suppose we'll know who the villain is?

    Of course. Right after the game is over. :cool:

    I kid. You'll know a lot more in a very short while.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile Gearing Up for
  • Boost Mobile Gearing Up for

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 29, 01:16 PM
    We knew this was coming...

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. The Galaxy Prevail will be
  • The Galaxy Prevail will be

  • ChazUK
    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Blade Build/FRG83) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Storing some music locally on my phone and having a 20gb cloud of music and having it all accessable via a single app is brilliant.

    A good move and potentially good product from Amazon. Looking forward to a UK release!

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile is getting ready
  • Boost Mobile is getting ready

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 31, 09:34 AM
    What the heck is a "golden master candidate"? Google search only hits on this story and a story about iOS 4.0. As far as I know, Apple doesn't use the term. Someone made it up and ran with it.

    It makes no sense. There are Release Candidates, and there are Golden Masters.

    I was thinking the same thing; it doesn't make much sense to have a candidate for a supposedly Golden Master build. There shouldn't be more than one!

    On another note, I am really loving Lion because everything seems more intuitive to use. I love the small things, like moving forward and backward in Safari. I'm also loving the full screen feature.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung and Boost Mobile
  • Samsung and Boost Mobile

  • islanders
    Jul 22, 12:01 PM
    Nearly the entire line of majot Apple products is in need of an update.


    Thanks for the link. Your right they are all in need of an update. I assumed most of them were brand new. Wow.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. And while the Samsung Galaxy
  • And while the Samsung Galaxy

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 04:52 PM
    wanna re-check that sunshine..?

    No. Why should I?

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail to
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail to

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 7, 07:44 PM
    Money talks... :apple:


    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail

  • crees!
    Aug 2, 11:38 AM
    If you 'can't have cameras' dont use them. It doesnt matter if they are built in. And for people with dual monitors they will have... er... oh yeh two cameras :D You got it wrong. If you can't have cameras.. you CAN'T HAVE CAMERAS even if they're NOT being used. I work at a place where you can't have cellphones with cameras on the premises (i.e., the parking lot) let alone inside. Many companies with such policies will not buy displays because of such.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile has decided not
  • Boost Mobile has decided not

  • baleensavage
    Aug 7, 02:07 PM
    The baseline is actually somewhere around $2100, you can lower some of the options when configuring.
    Thats a little better, but what about having a single processor $1500 model like they used to do with the G4s? If Apple really wants to build their market share, they have to realize that people often buy PCs because they can be customized and some of those people don't want $2500 computers. Not having a customizable model in the desktop lineup that is under $2000 is a bad idea.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. The Samsung Galaxy Prevail for
  • The Samsung Galaxy Prevail for

  • macdragonfl
    Jul 29, 10:05 PM
    Maybe the key would be to offer the IPhone for all providers, make it run
    a mobile version of OS X with IChat video. I have Sprint and their music store downloads in AAC format. I have wondered if their music store is actually ITunes and they resell it as their own. Does any other carriers download in AAC?

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail coming
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail coming

  • dexthageek
    Apr 18, 02:48 PM
    Here we go again! Stupid Lawyers :(

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. oost mobile galaxy prevail.
  • oost mobile galaxy prevail.

  • Eye4Desyn
    Mar 28, 10:29 AM
    Think about it...
    Appl introduced a new Verizon iPhone 4 in January of this year and it only launched last month (February).
    Apple is also expected to release a white version of the iPhone 4 next month.

    These two iPhone 4 upgrades seem to allow Apple to push back the launch of their next-generation handset. Afterall, how could they release updated iPhone 4s in February and April then a whole new device in June?

    +1. My thoughts exactly. September = iPhone 4S/5 release.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. oost mobile galaxy prevail.
  • oost mobile galaxy prevail.

  • caspersoong
    Apr 23, 07:57 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    This is really nice. But is it really necessary? How many ppi will it be?

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail Hands
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail Hands

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    Interesting that Samsung Group is a much larger corporation to Apple, but only have $4.5 billion in cash reserves. While Apple has $50 billion and counting.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail to
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail to

  • mackiwi
    Jul 31, 06:22 AM
    As other posters have said...they practically announced it during the last financial anaylyst conference call.

    There will be a phone released. No question about that.

    The questions are:

    - when?
    - features?
    - will apple do it themselves or seek joint partners?

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail Full
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail Full

  • jasonefmonk
    May 6, 01:47 AM
    There have been good reasons discussed for why this could happen. Mainly the future goals of ARM development, and the fusion of iOS and OSX.

    I still can't see how ARM could keep up with Intel. I just got a new MacBook Pro, it's just the base model but it has a hell of a kick for 2.3GHz dual core. It seems to virtually create four cores (threads?). Intel always seems to be ahead of expectation with performance and efficiency. Apple has a lot of money, but can they really buy all the experience needed to compete with a company of this much history?

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail Hands
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail Hands

  • Stella
    Apr 5, 01:54 PM
    If Apple weren't so controlling Toyota wouldn't need to have this app in the jailbreaking community.

    Sure, some of apple's rules are good - i.e., no private API calls, but others, utter garbage - its SJ's ego shinning through.

    ADD: if more larger companies grew some and released jailbroken apps, Apple would rethink its policies.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Galaxy Prevail for Boost
  • Galaxy Prevail for Boost

  • Krafty
    Apr 5, 02:32 PM
    75% of the wallpapers are some asian chick sitting on the hood of some car
    Nothing wrong with that on my end.

    Nov 22, 01:34 AM
    palms os is severely outdated
    the only thing they have going for them is the abundance of software out
    i own a palm and will ditch it when something pda, osx feel comes from apple

    if apple makes their phone centered on a PDA and Confrencing rather than
    "its an ipod and a phone"
    i think they will gain some substantial ground

    having the ability to use the pda phone as an ipod would not be out of the question but solely a ipod phone ? i think they would be cutting their profits to a certain age group of potential buyers

    Yeah exactly, I totally agree. I've never been turned on by the iPhone/iPod 2-in-1 rumours. To me, iLife integration and conferencing is way more important. I actually prefer they keep the two (iPod+iPhone) separate. I don't want my music listening to be disturbed by calls.

    Apr 10, 06:04 PM
    I get 61,835, but I'm beginning to think someone has mucked around with the keys on my calculator.


    Apr 21, 05:05 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    If anything the pro will increase in price as its very much close to the price of the 27" iMac, which is hampering its sales. Also, don't hold your breath for USB3 - as far as Apple's concerned, USB3 is a dead technology.

    Apr 7, 10:35 AM
    Wow I'm suprised that people. Are saying it sucks before its out. Could anyone tell me why excatly its a bad product. Seems that it will be great for enteprise with the bb bridge.

    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    Sep 10, 11:23 PM
    Wanted to add to this thread the "interesting" picture...
    Source: http://www.tuaw.com/2006/09/10/banner-for-september-12th-event/

    Looks fake.

    Is fake.

    Discussion of fake iPod picture. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=232341)