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Sunday, May 22, 2011

canon rebel xt eos 350d

canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon Rebel XT but there are
  • Canon Rebel XT but there are

  • R0bert
    Nov 23, 04:55 PM

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
  • Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

  • sauer228
    May 6, 05:24 AM
    Should I upgrade now or wait for the ARM update?

    I keed I keed.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. As you can see, the Rebel XT
  • As you can see, the Rebel XT

  • iJawn108
    Jul 22, 07:57 PM
    Thanks for the links.

    I don�t see why a 20% increase in speed is going to rock the boat. Especially if it�s in the MBP. So if it is ready for shipment I don�t see any advantage in waiting for the MBP line to upgrade.

    I guess I�ll have to do some research about the battery performance.

    Noone knows what Steve Jobs will do, but I think he had been roper-doping long enough with the G3 and G4. What 6 years with the same G4? He needs to come out swinging while Apple still has a strong brand name from the iPod.

    I hope to see some changes. The last 5 years have been so slow that it hasn�t been worth keeping up with.
    64 bit addressing. :rolleyes:

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. The Canon Digital Rebel XT in
  • The Canon Digital Rebel XT in

  • toddybody
    Mar 31, 09:01 AM

    So where exactly did I personally insult you?

    Ehh, you were a bit snarky:p

    That said, people need to thicken their skin a bit...last time i checked sarcasm and subtle jabbing isnt a reportable offense on MR; at least not yet :rolleyes:

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon EOS 350D Rebel XT
  • Canon EOS 350D Rebel XT

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 07:57 AM
    Is that why you bought the iPad? One would think if you have an iPad, you'd already see the error in judgement that you made there. Just because Apple stuff looks cool doesn't mean it's sacrificing function - to the contrary.

    If you've used an iPhone, or iPad, for any period of time you'd know that.

    Other computer makers put wavy lines, green blinking lights and all sorts of other kitsch on their machines - by kitsch I mean design features that have no function, that are there only to look "good".

    When has Apple made a device that didn't work very well??? You'd have to go all the way to the Newton for that. And that happened while Steve Jobs was away, not a co-incidence. Ever since the iPod, it's been hit after hit.

    Well, I think the previous commenter's point has some validity. A great example of this "form over function" is the iMac. Mobile graphics (and poor ones at that), horrendous thermal management, limited stand orientation...but one damn fine looking computer:D Dont get me wrong, Apple does amazing things with their products. (Im obviously a fan :D) But I do think design is paramount to their efforts (not that function ever takes backseat, it just can be slightly lessoned on some releases). Now, IMO...they knocked both form and function out of the park with the iPad 2, iPhone 4, and 2010 MBA. Bravo

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon EOS 350D (Rebel XT)
  • Canon EOS 350D (Rebel XT)

  • Evergreen
    Aug 7, 08:05 PM
    Is it liquid cooled?

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Rebel XT (EOS 350D)
  • Rebel XT (EOS 350D)

  • vincenz
    Mar 28, 10:46 AM
    Surprised by the turn of events... but as all rumors, we have to take it with a grain of salt. Who knows who's right but Steve and his coterie?

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon Digital Rebel XT / EOS
  • Canon Digital Rebel XT / EOS

  • Gatorman
    Jul 21, 03:31 PM
    I'm just burnin' doin' the Merom Dance!

    Sing it with me, now! :D

    Regardless of what happens on the 7th, I'm ordering a MBP. Though, things look like they're shaping up for that! Apple would be nuts not to put that chip in the MBP now that it's shipping.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Can't wait....

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Rebel XT / EOS 350D
  • Rebel XT / EOS 350D

  • scottwaugh
    Apr 20, 08:22 AM
    to really stay ahead of the market Apple will need to:

    add a 4" screen
    keep the same form factor
    add the dual core A5 processor
    update the GPU to something similar (but most likely not as powerful) as in the iPad 2

    The GPU is integrated into the A5 processor, anything the A5 goes into will get the iPad 2 GPU as well - means serious graphics power into the iPhone 5 and Apple TV as they are updated with the A5.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. EOS 350D Digital Rebel XT
  • EOS 350D Digital Rebel XT

  • Demon Hunter
    Aug 3, 11:15 PM
    I think the negative votes were from those who wanted Steve to announce Merom in updated Macs on Monday and not wait until September...

    Yeah... this seems to favor a Paris release...

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
  • Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

  • shigzeo
    Aug 2, 10:55 AM
    as per this news of perhaps no ipod and a 70% chance of other core 2 duo update action, we have much to look forward to not only at the wwdc, but also after that. if everything were spelled out for us this conference, we would have such a dry spell till holidays or until leapard or until ultralight mac or something else. i am rather glad that apple does not update everything with the speed of a recital.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Rebel XT (EOS 350D)
  • Rebel XT (EOS 350D)

  • Plutonius
    May 5, 11:43 AM
    are we ready to move to the next room? anyone wants to split out for whatever reason?

    No reason to split. There is only 1 door.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon - 350D (Rebel XT) Kit
  • Canon - 350D (Rebel XT) Kit

  • geta
    May 6, 08:06 AM
    Apple only went with intel because IBM was never going to be able to make a G5 laptop chip. Why are people so closed minded when it comes to change?

    its not about 'closed minded' , some ppl's working with the mac's for living, and not only playing games, watching movies D\L mp3.... !

    im still working with PowerMac G5 - yap you heard right, G5 !
    i've got no problem to finish my projects with it, but i do have a problem with all the new programs i need for my work.... they not support the old CPU :mad:
    so now i need to upgrade to new MacPro that will cost me �3000 + the extra cards (the one's im using it PCI... so i need to upgrade them to PCI-e) coz of that.

    so if they will move to the new CPU's, it will append all over agin..... couple years after the move, all the programs wont support intel based macs....

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon Digital Rebel XT.
  • Canon Digital Rebel XT.

  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 25, 09:25 AM
    I don't think that is the point here. Apple, arguably the greatest and most customer-centric company with the world's best smart phone, the best OS and magical appliances (at least, that is what I'm being told here over and over again) collects location data without your prior knowledge or consent. If you become a member of MacRumors it is your own, deliberate, decision. But I already can see where this is going. Cue the drone-like Apple defenders, I hear them coming ;)

    The drones, any more, are the anti-Apple Zealots, who know less about what they argue than they do about their own favorite hardware or OS.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. D EOS 350D(Digital Rebel XT)
  • D EOS 350D(Digital Rebel XT)

  • LucasG
    Apr 26, 02:26 PM
    Unfortunately, only 25% of the US market agrees with you. ;)

    Who cares? After all it's just personal choice. Whether you use iPhone or Android, it's your choice and nobody else but yours.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
  • Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

  • mholtz2323
    Apr 20, 09:15 AM
    If this news is true, then there must be a total revamp of iOS. I don't mind if the look of the phone stays the same (even though a larger screen wouldn't hurt) but it's more what you can do with it. New notification system, maybe live icons, file system?
    I am hyped for the iOS event rather than the new fall iPhone event.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. EOS 350D(Digital Rebel XT)
  • EOS 350D(Digital Rebel XT)

  • ALUOp
    May 6, 01:41 AM
    This is total BS.
    ARM CPUs are far far behind Intel's non-Atom series in terms of performance.
    This is due to their RISC architecture. That's also why they consume less power than x86.
    If you're saying in 2 years ARM's performance may catch up to current Atom, then, it may be possible.
    But compared with Core i series? It's the biggest joke I've ever heard.

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. CANON EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

  • 0815
    Apr 18, 03:36 PM
    Yeah that looks similar, I was referring to the tablet/honeycomb.

    Is the law suit really about the 'looks' ?

    canon rebel xt eos 350d. Battery Grip for Canon EOS
  • Battery Grip for Canon EOS

  • Hattig
    Jul 30, 08:17 AM
    so what CPU would power the phone ?
    Something based off of the ARM architecture. Maybe a TI OMAP processor (a 150MHz TI OMAP 1510 powers my Motorola phone, that has an integrated ARM9 CPU, I could see an Apple phone using the newer 1710 for example). There's dozens of other mobile phone chipset providers of course, with their own ARM based solutions integrating varying types of functionality.

    Aug 4, 03:40 PM
    I'm excited to see what happens but since I'm in no crunch I'm waiting for the best time to buy. I'll wait till the new year if I have to.

    May 4, 12:04 PM
    Your insolence grows tiresome. :)

    What does the OP mean we found a healing treasure and it has no effect? I thought we'd get an extra 5 HP for that.

    We are all at full strength, that is why the healing treasure had no effect. Can we take it with us and use it later?

    May 4, 04:50 PM
    exactly! if the app's sole purpose was to create a boot disc, then that's awesome. if someone the app could create a boot disc and upgrade the OS, then that's awesome.

    however, if the app will only install lion on a machine running a working copy of snow leopard, then there will be problems.

    keep in mind, right now exactly 0% of the products sold on the app store will run without the OS already installed.

    And there's been exactly 0% of Operating Systems sold on the app store. And 0% of stories that downloading Lion will be excactly like downloading every other app on the app store.

    Mar 30, 07:45 PM
    iCal has been visually overhauled to look like the iPad version

    Nov 26, 05:51 PM
    Do they have more or less credibility if they spell Mac like MAC?