Aug 4, 01:58 PM
what do you mean, with 64-bit software or 32-bit software?
i assumed software optimized for 64 bit hardware.
i assumed software optimized for 64 bit hardware.
May 9, 03:16 PM
I'd be so pissed/happy if it were to become free... 1 year of .Mac and 2 years of MobileMe.
Pissed, I spent $99 for 3 years
Happy, more people will have access to MobileMe's benefits.
I do not understand this flawed logic. Making it free does not impact the service's values for the last three years. If you did not think it was worth the price you paid, you should not have renewed it.
I say this has someone who has paid for dotmac/mobileme since it stopped being iTools. Unlike you, my average yearly cost was 30 dollars because I bought them off of eBay.
Pissed, I spent $99 for 3 years
Happy, more people will have access to MobileMe's benefits.
I do not understand this flawed logic. Making it free does not impact the service's values for the last three years. If you did not think it was worth the price you paid, you should not have renewed it.
I say this has someone who has paid for dotmac/mobileme since it stopped being iTools. Unlike you, my average yearly cost was 30 dollars because I bought them off of eBay.

Apr 7, 10:34 AM
Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

Apr 26, 02:33 PM
If in fact Apple waits until September for the iPhone 5 and even then only have a speed bump and a slightly better camera, this picture is only going to get worse. They need 4G, a larger screen, a microSD slot or a bump to 64 GB, a USB input, and the rest of the MODERN hardware features that HTC phones are putting out almost monthly.
It's NOT about the OS - who the heck cares. The OS is transparent at this point. They are close enough not to make a difference. And the Android app market is catching up tp the iOS app market at least in terms of bigger name quality apps (not so much the 10,000 iOS fart apps out there), and that difference is shrinking all the time.
It's all about hardware now - and the iPhone is currently woefully behind -and probably will remain until mid next year.
It's NOT about the OS - who the heck cares. The OS is transparent at this point. They are close enough not to make a difference. And the Android app market is catching up tp the iOS app market at least in terms of bigger name quality apps (not so much the 10,000 iOS fart apps out there), and that difference is shrinking all the time.
It's all about hardware now - and the iPhone is currently woefully behind -and probably will remain until mid next year.

Aug 11, 03:47 PM
Does anyone think that this is a bit much to announce at Paris?
But all of it, I think everyone would agree, has to come out before the Christmas shopping season.
So lets break it down into two events, presuming that its too much for Paris.
Paris will either see hardware (i hope) or iPod upgrades.
Then, in late October I'm guessing, in time for the holidays, the new iPods will be released. They will also therefore beat Zune to the market.
I response to your question of if we think this is too much for Apple to announce at the Paris Expo, I think we have to keep the following in mind: Apple has entered an entirely new ballpark with the switch to Intel. No longer can our big gains in performance and new products only come to us at WWDC, MWSF, and MWParis.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. Apple will adopt a new strategy for advancing their hardware. We will start seeing speed bumps and other upgrades announced quietly on Apple's website. We have already seen this with the MBP.
If Apple wants to keep their rock-star like image of when they release new products or major upgrades to their product line, they will adopt more special events like we had this past year, and a couple in 2005. For example: The introduction of the iMac G5 w/Front Row and iSight or when the Mac Mini went Intel. I believe Apple will make better use of these types of events.
The big dogs (WWDC, MWSF, MWParis) will remain launch pads for new/updated products, but will not be the only source from now on.
With the switch to Intel, we have entered a very aggressive world, and a much larger range of dedicated processors for different product lines. It is quite exciting.
But all of it, I think everyone would agree, has to come out before the Christmas shopping season.
So lets break it down into two events, presuming that its too much for Paris.
Paris will either see hardware (i hope) or iPod upgrades.
Then, in late October I'm guessing, in time for the holidays, the new iPods will be released. They will also therefore beat Zune to the market.
I response to your question of if we think this is too much for Apple to announce at the Paris Expo, I think we have to keep the following in mind: Apple has entered an entirely new ballpark with the switch to Intel. No longer can our big gains in performance and new products only come to us at WWDC, MWSF, and MWParis.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. Apple will adopt a new strategy for advancing their hardware. We will start seeing speed bumps and other upgrades announced quietly on Apple's website. We have already seen this with the MBP.
If Apple wants to keep their rock-star like image of when they release new products or major upgrades to their product line, they will adopt more special events like we had this past year, and a couple in 2005. For example: The introduction of the iMac G5 w/Front Row and iSight or when the Mac Mini went Intel. I believe Apple will make better use of these types of events.
The big dogs (WWDC, MWSF, MWParis) will remain launch pads for new/updated products, but will not be the only source from now on.
With the switch to Intel, we have entered a very aggressive world, and a much larger range of dedicated processors for different product lines. It is quite exciting.

Apr 22, 12:50 PM
Not if you care about colo[u]r management. While Apple continues its love affair with shiny screens, creatives need an alternative.
Considering the market is moving towards digital distribution on these shiny screens, color management is going by the wayside, especially with a lack of standards now in HD/cable TV.
Also, it's called having a second calibrated monitor for TV like all good post houses should have.
Been doing creative for 15+ years. Apple's shiny screens over the last years haven't caused us to miss a beat.
Considering the market is moving towards digital distribution on these shiny screens, color management is going by the wayside, especially with a lack of standards now in HD/cable TV.
Also, it's called having a second calibrated monitor for TV like all good post houses should have.
Been doing creative for 15+ years. Apple's shiny screens over the last years haven't caused us to miss a beat.

Mar 29, 09:10 AM
I think Apple will probably have the same deal as Amazon.
Amazon just beat them to the punch with this launch.
The deal from Apple will be that you will get 5GB when you open a account in Mobile Me and you will pay $20 for 20GB of space.
This might be the revamp that everyone is talking about with Mobile Me.
What do you guys think?
I think you're right.
Amazon just beat them to the punch with this launch.
The deal from Apple will be that you will get 5GB when you open a account in Mobile Me and you will pay $20 for 20GB of space.
This might be the revamp that everyone is talking about with Mobile Me.
What do you guys think?
I think you're right.
Jul 31, 06:31 AM
I don't understand how this made it off Page 2.

Apr 7, 11:39 AM
By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.
Too funny. :rolleyes:
I love all the posts that say, "competition is good, keep Apple on its toes." Problem is, the competition is just copying what Apple has done. Who else is really innovating anything new? Who else has any sort of long term vision of where technology can take us? RIM, MS, HP? Doubtful. Google? All they want is to know everything about you to improve their ability to sell marketing information.
Apple making smart business decisions will only force others to rethink, innovate and create their own demand. Or die. Sorry if you don't like how the free market works.
Too funny. :rolleyes:
I love all the posts that say, "competition is good, keep Apple on its toes." Problem is, the competition is just copying what Apple has done. Who else is really innovating anything new? Who else has any sort of long term vision of where technology can take us? RIM, MS, HP? Doubtful. Google? All they want is to know everything about you to improve their ability to sell marketing information.
Apple making smart business decisions will only force others to rethink, innovate and create their own demand. Or die. Sorry if you don't like how the free market works.

Aug 4, 08:37 AM
After working on my MBP for about two months now, I call BS. Apple says it's 4-5 x faster than the last powerbooks, I couldn't really tell. I think we are in a new era of ********, where they (Apple) are trying to get people to upgrade just because of a slight Mhz boost, and lower power consumption. Bring on the real world test, and post them on their website.

Don't panic
May 3, 04:34 PM
i took the liberty to re-write the rules AS I UNDERSTANND THEM, which incorporate all the Q&A
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by random.org, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (random.org)
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by random.org, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (random.org)
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery

May 4, 12:01 PM
1. Rosius: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
2. Dante: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
3. Beatrice: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
4. Rhon: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
5. Wilmer: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
6. Loras: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
7. Jorah: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
1. Rosius: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
2. Dante: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
3. Beatrice: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
4. Rhon: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
5. Wilmer: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
6. Loras: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
7. Jorah: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP

Mar 29, 09:11 AM
nope, they've just restricted it.
I wonder if Atomic Browser could view it with a faked browser ID...
I wonder if Atomic Browser could view it with a faked browser ID...

Mar 29, 11:51 PM
You complain about "imposing beliefs", but asking people to "say a prayer" on the forum is certainly pushing one's beliefs on others. I suggested "best wishes" and "keeping them in your thoughts" as an alternative that doesn't involve supernatural beings.
And, by the way, the "flying spaghetti monster" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster) is part of a well-known movement (sometimes called the "Pastafarians") to preserve the concept of "separation of church and state" embodied in the US Constitution.
If you ever see the FSM emblem
on the car in front of you, you're behind a Pastafarian.
You're missing the point. No one got bitter until you came in and knocked him for encouraging people to pray for Japan. Prayer can be whatever you want it to be. You can either pray to God or simply give your best wishes as you said. There was absolutely no need for your out of the blue post blasting him for asking people to pray. Atheists love to point towards the religious as being the pushy ones, but time and time again I've noticed it's the atheists who take things personally and get bitter. I myself don't really give a damn what anyone says, I'm moreso of a Deist than a mainstream Christian. Both sides of the aisle can get extremely childish, like your post mocking prayer. It served no other purpose than to try and insult him and anyone else who believes in God.
And, by the way, the "flying spaghetti monster" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster) is part of a well-known movement (sometimes called the "Pastafarians") to preserve the concept of "separation of church and state" embodied in the US Constitution.
If you ever see the FSM emblem
on the car in front of you, you're behind a Pastafarian.
You're missing the point. No one got bitter until you came in and knocked him for encouraging people to pray for Japan. Prayer can be whatever you want it to be. You can either pray to God or simply give your best wishes as you said. There was absolutely no need for your out of the blue post blasting him for asking people to pray. Atheists love to point towards the religious as being the pushy ones, but time and time again I've noticed it's the atheists who take things personally and get bitter. I myself don't really give a damn what anyone says, I'm moreso of a Deist than a mainstream Christian. Both sides of the aisle can get extremely childish, like your post mocking prayer. It served no other purpose than to try and insult him and anyone else who believes in God.

Mar 28, 12:19 PM
Hmm. I suppose this increases the likelihood of the next iPhone being the "iPhone 4G" after all.
That said, my 3GS contract is up in June. If Apple waits until October to release the next iPhone, and it's not LTE, then I will be jumping ship. Never thought I'd say that, but I'm not holding onto a 3G-only phone until almost 2013.
That said, my 3GS contract is up in June. If Apple waits until October to release the next iPhone, and it's not LTE, then I will be jumping ship. Never thought I'd say that, but I'm not holding onto a 3G-only phone until almost 2013.

Apr 7, 10:45 AM
Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.
Of course! Any company that makes money has to be greedy! Even worse, they keep making the products so darn good, people keep buying them! How frick'n evil and corrupted can you get! If they really cared, they'd produce junk so we'd all stop buying! :rolleyes:
Of course! Any company that makes money has to be greedy! Even worse, they keep making the products so darn good, people keep buying them! How frick'n evil and corrupted can you get! If they really cared, they'd produce junk so we'd all stop buying! :rolleyes:

Aug 7, 06:34 PM
Also, if you hit the EJECT key on the keyboard while you have two optical drives installed, will they both open?
Questions, questions...
On my dual G4, the Eject key opens the top tray, and Option Eject opens the bottom. I suspect it is the same...
Questions, questions...
On my dual G4, the Eject key opens the top tray, and Option Eject opens the bottom. I suspect it is the same...

Jul 30, 11:17 PM
Yeah. I'm gonna go ahead and be the party pooper: there is no iPhone people. Let's concentrate on the 'true video iPod' rumors instead. Or bring back the 'PowerBook G5 next Tuesday!!1' threads. But this, not happening
And for good measure, I hope I am wrong ;)
And for good measure, I hope I am wrong ;)

Nov 9, 02:21 PM
So far I think the phone calls sound fine for the person on the other end, and OK on my end; at freeway speeds my car is loud so I have to listen carefully.
I think the mount's GPS chip signal is actually routed through the dock connection. Just phone (and app voice, if necessary) connect through bluetooth. Maybe this is because Apple doesn't let non-audio devices of any sort to connect through bluetooth; if they did, then we'd all have been using external bluetooth gps receivers long ago.
Thanks...I was hoping this was true! I do not like my phone calls booming through my car speakers as its too big a sound. I wondered about this connection as the GPS chip is connected by bluetooth I believe, so I wasn't sure what else might be.
Have you found the bluetooth speakerphone to be working well enough for you and the person on the other end?
Thanks for all your help.
I think the mount's GPS chip signal is actually routed through the dock connection. Just phone (and app voice, if necessary) connect through bluetooth. Maybe this is because Apple doesn't let non-audio devices of any sort to connect through bluetooth; if they did, then we'd all have been using external bluetooth gps receivers long ago.
Thanks...I was hoping this was true! I do not like my phone calls booming through my car speakers as its too big a sound. I wondered about this connection as the GPS chip is connected by bluetooth I believe, so I wasn't sure what else might be.
Have you found the bluetooth speakerphone to be working well enough for you and the person on the other end?
Thanks for all your help.
Apr 18, 04:41 PM
Oh come on, we aren't really going to resort to the "there's only one way to design a mobile device" argument, are we? You're telling me the only way to design the Galaxy Tab was to make it look identical to the iPhone 3GS?
My iPhone 4 doesn't look anything like my wife's iPhone 3GS, so apparently there are at least two ways to design a mobile phone.
None of the other Android phones or tablets I've seen look like iPhones either. Only Samsung's.
+1 for great common sense that some people are lacking on here so far...
My iPhone 4 doesn't look anything like my wife's iPhone 3GS, so apparently there are at least two ways to design a mobile phone.
None of the other Android phones or tablets I've seen look like iPhones either. Only Samsung's.
+1 for great common sense that some people are lacking on here so far...
Nov 13, 10:47 AM
Good for you Marvel2. How about a review after you use it. Tstreete did a great one but another perspective is always welcomed.
BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.
I'm going to use it for a few days and a couple trips around town first before I give a review. But my intial impressions of the kit is that it works just as advertised. Doesn't feel cheap, BT syncing is very easy and syncs every time I plug the phone in. Speaker volume is clear but may need to be louder. I still have to give it some time and adjust to my liking first (my car is pretty loud). And yes, I am using Navigon, but I have not yet downloaded their Live Traffice update.
The key for making this purchase for me is to have at least the option to allow the calls to come in through the car's speakers while using the built-in mic on the dock.
Also, the youtube video shows the guy had it stuck on his dash with the adhesive? Anyone have driver's point of view, pictures with it mounted with suction on the windshield? There's no way I'm sticking this thing to my dash.
Per the manual, calls will not come in through your car's speaker but instead the TomTom car kit's speaker.
I currently have the kit mounted on my windshield but I also tried mounting it on my dash. If you do not want to put that adhesive on your dash, buy a Sticky Pad (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Hand-Stands-Jelly-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Holder/2603163/product.html) and lay it on your dash. Now mount the TomTom kit as you normally would on the sticky pad as if it were glass. It sticks and works very well. Alternatively, you can put the adhesive disk on the sticky pad if you want the suction cup of the TomTom kit to cling to a hard plastic surface. When you leave your car, just peel the Sticky Pad off of your dash and it will not leave any residue. Essentially it is a GPS friction mount. Or you can buy this (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/HandStands-GPS-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Mount/4341949/product.html), but its just too big for my tastes.
What is the name of the store that you got it from? I'm curious to know if I could find one in my area
Here is their website (http://www.themacstore.com/locations/portland). They are an authorized third party Mac reseller sort of like MacMall, but with a physical location. You can try calling other third party Mac resellers in your area if you don't have "The Mac Store" in your area.
BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.
I'm going to use it for a few days and a couple trips around town first before I give a review. But my intial impressions of the kit is that it works just as advertised. Doesn't feel cheap, BT syncing is very easy and syncs every time I plug the phone in. Speaker volume is clear but may need to be louder. I still have to give it some time and adjust to my liking first (my car is pretty loud). And yes, I am using Navigon, but I have not yet downloaded their Live Traffice update.
The key for making this purchase for me is to have at least the option to allow the calls to come in through the car's speakers while using the built-in mic on the dock.
Also, the youtube video shows the guy had it stuck on his dash with the adhesive? Anyone have driver's point of view, pictures with it mounted with suction on the windshield? There's no way I'm sticking this thing to my dash.
Per the manual, calls will not come in through your car's speaker but instead the TomTom car kit's speaker.
I currently have the kit mounted on my windshield but I also tried mounting it on my dash. If you do not want to put that adhesive on your dash, buy a Sticky Pad (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Hand-Stands-Jelly-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Holder/2603163/product.html) and lay it on your dash. Now mount the TomTom kit as you normally would on the sticky pad as if it were glass. It sticks and works very well. Alternatively, you can put the adhesive disk on the sticky pad if you want the suction cup of the TomTom kit to cling to a hard plastic surface. When you leave your car, just peel the Sticky Pad off of your dash and it will not leave any residue. Essentially it is a GPS friction mount. Or you can buy this (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/HandStands-GPS-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Mount/4341949/product.html), but its just too big for my tastes.
What is the name of the store that you got it from? I'm curious to know if I could find one in my area
Here is their website (http://www.themacstore.com/locations/portland). They are an authorized third party Mac reseller sort of like MacMall, but with a physical location. You can try calling other third party Mac resellers in your area if you don't have "The Mac Store" in your area.
Sep 10, 11:22 PM
Mine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:
This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(
Yep, downloadable TV shows, movies for purchase or rent, iPhoto photobooks/prints/calendars/cards etc.
Who gives a rat's? Not me because we can't use any of them.
This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(
Yep, downloadable TV shows, movies for purchase or rent, iPhoto photobooks/prints/calendars/cards etc.
Who gives a rat's? Not me because we can't use any of them.
Apr 5, 03:46 PM
Well Cydia is like being a virgin then having sex with a whore then getting STDs that constantly slow down your OS. It might be good in the short term, but you'll have to work hard to keep the swelling down with various lotions and creams. But unlike STDs, you can revert to a clean version of the OS anytime you want. :P
And apple has nothing to do with iOS slow downs? What happens when you run iOS 4 on your iphone 3g? Cydia isnt the only culprit of that (if it is at all). Plus the benefits are long term. See my previous post about examples of what you can do with your phone if its jailbroken.
Plus i would venture that most people would rather have sex throughout their lives and deal with the risk of an occasional STD than to be a lifelong virgin. Take a look at the human race for evidence.
And apple has nothing to do with iOS slow downs? What happens when you run iOS 4 on your iphone 3g? Cydia isnt the only culprit of that (if it is at all). Plus the benefits are long term. See my previous post about examples of what you can do with your phone if its jailbroken.
Plus i would venture that most people would rather have sex throughout their lives and deal with the risk of an occasional STD than to be a lifelong virgin. Take a look at the human race for evidence.
Sep 16, 12:38 PM
That would be nice, but it seems unlikely. Apple seem to consider the black MacBook the small "professional" laptop. Maybe it'll get a descrete GPU though, that would be pretty good, no?
This could happen, too...a new MB with better GPU for the "quasi-pro" users...the rest is OK with the MB, I think...but with backlit keyboard would be even better.
This could happen, too...a new MB with better GPU for the "quasi-pro" users...the rest is OK with the MB, I think...but with backlit keyboard would be even better.