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Sunday, May 15, 2011

short hair styles for men with straight hair

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  • darrens
    Aug 4, 08:28 AM
    Apple could go a long way by keeping their inventory short and getting customers the latest technology quickly.

    I think I remeber reading that exact point in an interview with an Intel exec - they like the way Apple can bring a product to market quickly, and use innovative technologies in their chips before anyone else.

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  • milo
    Jul 21, 03:26 PM
    This may be a dumb question, but why would apple just use the new chips in mbp's and not the mb? Dosn't seem to make sense. As soon as core 2 merom comes out every pc notebook will have it. Price wouldn't be an issue cause merom is same price as yonah, correct?

    Because yonah will be cheaper. Yonah prices will drop again when merom ships.

    And "every PC notebook" will most certainly NOT have merom. Cheaper PC laptops will still have yonah.

    To date we have not seen Apple update any of their Intel products. So it may not be any different. The pressure will be on Apple with new processors coming out all of the time. Steve Jobs keps Apple from doing what you would exspect much of the time.

    They speed bumped the MBP before it shipped, didn't they also do a minor update when the 17 shipped?

    With the more frequent processor changes/speed upgrades that goes along with switching to Intel, what is Apple going to do with all the "left overs" of old versions of products?

    They can sell them at a discount. But there won't be many of these in most cases, since for example the MBP doesn't need any additional changes along with swapping in a merom chip. The imac and mini could take merom just by swapping a chip in a socket (so the user could even do it).

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  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:18 PM
    Could care less either way. Although I'd love Apple to give us more ways to customize our screens for iOS devices, Apple has always protected their UI... it's that consistency that makes Apple devices so clean and easy.

    The expression is "couldn't care less" by the way.

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  • peeInMyPantz
    Jul 30, 10:37 PM
    5 megapixel seems unrealistic for a cellphone camera right now, but it would sure be nice, I have a 1.3 megapixel camera on my phone, just because it's 1.3 megapixels doesn't mean it's good quality, how do we know that the 5 megapixel camera will be any better? could be as grainy or worse as a low end VGA/megapixel camera :( but knowing Apple, some people will pay a shiny red cent for high quality camera anyways (esp Apple fans)

    I disagree for inability to do texting, say if you are in a different country, where it costs say $3/minute just to call someone, or 50c just to send a text message (receiving is usually free), big difference if you just want to send a message of "I'm at the door" or "I'm leaving right now", I'm currently paying for long distance since I'm in a part of Canada that is not my home region, any time someone not from the area I'm in calls ME, I pay for it, and any time I call someone from home, I pay for it as well, so text messaging has really cut down on bills, I don't go over my minutes as much anymore with texting, since 90% of my calls were 1 minute or less calls, so thats where text messaging comes in handy. Although I would rather use a blackberry-like device with free email (if there was such thing, or have an email-only plan that doesnt require a data plan, like text messages)

    y not? there are already 6 mega pixels camera phones

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  • zoran
    Aug 2, 03:39 PM
    How can we get a hold of that keynote that Macrummors said will cover?

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 15, 12:18 PM
    You could be right. I've changed my mind a bunch of times before. But I'd like to hear your explanation for why a lower marginal tax rate has caused more people to enter poverty and unemployment.

    Essentially my theory is (and it's not really mine but I've forgotten who deserves credit for it) that as tax rates drop, wealth concentrates and becomes less mobile. The free market ceases to operate because bargaining power, knowledge, and resources are all on one side, eventually causing 95% to be at the whim of the remaining 5.

    This was essentially the status quo in places like pre-revolution France. It predominated societies until the reforms of the 20th Century. It was only then that we saw incomes improve for the masses. The historical record clearly shows that higher marginal tax rates are good because they don't allow the rich to rest on their laurels while at the same time helping out the unfortunate (who are then able to more fully participate in the economy).

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  • charlituna
    Apr 7, 01:09 PM
    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    And for some reason you think that monopolies are bad for consumers.

    They are not. At least not 100%. Just like they are not 100% good.

    What is good or bad is how the companies got to that monopoly and what they do with it.

    Apple has a monopoly on consumer tablets simply because they are the only ones to release a tablet that folks want to buy. Nothing bad about that.

    Now if it is found that they are using that monopoly to strong arm component suppliers with tactics like demanding they accept way under value prices or can't ever do business with other companies, then you have a 'bad' monopoly. Or say they decide to hell with any support for non Mac computers and if you want to use an iOS device you must get a Mac computer, that's a 'bad' monopoly. And so on

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 16, 10:00 PM
    I also think that this return policy is rather asinine.

    I agree. I think a much better policy would be you have to pay the restocking fee no matter when you return. So that way they break even when they resell it at a 5% discount (plus labor to check and make sure you did f-it up).

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  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 18, 03:02 PM
    Here we go again! Stupid Lawyers :(A lawyer is only as "stupid" as her client.

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  • NinjaHERO
    Mar 30, 01:37 AM
    The good news is that it sounds like the plant wasn't damaged. While I am sure making batteries for Apple is not on the top of their priority list, their economy starting back up will help speed their recovery. A little bit of good news I hope.

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  • LobsterDK
    Apr 24, 02:04 AM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .

    I love the mac OS , I love the mac design , I hate the "last years tech with a shiney shell" we seem to have to put up with , super high res screens and faster I/O ports are all well and good , but put a decent GPU in now the mac is becoming a contender as a home gaming platform .

    Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:

    Desktop rendering performance at a retina display resolution would not be an issue with any modern Mac that shipped with a retina display. As for games, you do not have to render the game at the native screen resolution. The OS X implementation will almost certainly be the same as the iOS implementation. That is, a doubling of the vertical and horizontal resolution.

    A game running on a 3840x2160 retina display can render at 1920x1080. No filtering need be applied by the monitor as it is an exact multiple in each direction. A 1920x1080 output resolution from a game would look exactly the same on a 3840x2160 display as it would on a 1920x1080 display. Every 1 pixel in the rendered image would take up 4 pixels on the higher res display. You can test this out on your Mac now with any game that allows you to select a resolution that is half the vertical/horizontal resolution of your current monitor. That is assuming the display is not stupid enough to filter resolutions that are an even division of it's native resolution. Most won't apply any filtering in those cases.

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  • emotion
    Nov 22, 07:43 AM
    iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.

    If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.

    Agreed. Another way for Apple to proceed here is to make the phone compatible with Outlook/iTunes on windows etc etc so that it's still perfectly usable but the experience is just that much better on OSX. This will lead people into buying Macs which is always Apples aim.

    I don't see OSX on generic PC hardware any time soon. Even though I would love to see that happen in many ways.

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  • GoodWatch
    Apr 5, 02:06 PM
    Apple is a business whose mission is to sell phones, computers, and software. You as a customer buy those products, but they are designed by Apple. If you have a problem with Apple establishing a standard across its products to ensure quality, then you can just stop using them. That easy, just stop buying Apple products and stop using them, period.

    Apple sells me their products at a phenomenal margin but after that I'm the owner. If I want to throw my iPhone into a lake, it's up to me. (Bar the environmental issues). If I want to jailbreak, it's up to me. If I want to apply a theme made by a car manufacturer it's up to me. So please stop using those dogmas. Every time something like this is reported, fanboys start using those wafer thin arguments. We aren't brainwashed drones, are we?

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  • tripjammer
    Mar 28, 11:24 AM
    The Iphone 5 will come out this summer...they said the same thing about the Ipad 2 and it game out on time.

    Has Apple ever let us down?

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  • moet_01
    Aug 12, 05:31 PM
    The promo has nothing to do with new launches...they are completely independent and serve a public that is not interested nor in need of a cutting-edge notebook. The combo MB x iPod is wonderful for most, and it will be attractive even if the Merom notes are in the market.

    Right and they will be updated when there ready. The updated Books will not be a qualifying Mac for the Free iPod.

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  • justinLONG
    Mar 29, 10:56 PM
    I would not want to work in an american plant that manufactured apple products. could you imagine that?. there would probably be an apple union i'd have to join. :eek:

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 4, 10:55 AM
    Give me a break. People voted negative on this because they are waiting on merom MBPs and now think that, contrary to they're hopes and prayers the past few weeks, that the Merom MBP revisions wont be out until september. This is no clandestine PC-clone smear campaign. who's it going to effect? This forum is full of the faithful, messing around here isn't going to change national opinion of Microsoft or apple products. It's not Steve Ballmer twisting his handlebar mustaches as he chortles to himself, going from one article to the next, voting negative at each. Let's get real here.You sir are correct.

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  • AppleAmerican
    Mar 29, 04:38 PM
    Most people here are missing the big picture. I'm pretty old and have witnessed the changes in the tech sector. Back in '01 a lot of laptops were made or at least assembled in the USA, and they were quality products, but with cheap foreign labor most global companies could not resist the couple of percent they could add to their profit margins by moving overseas. The company I worked for made laptops for a major name, but they closed the plant here to save between 3.00 and 6.00 dollars per unit, a very small percentage of the overall value. A company like Apple could easily, make and assemble products here, the profit margin on an iPhone is around 60%, but if they did that then there profit margin would only be 50%, corporate and political greed. There are companies here, that still compete, an example, American Apparel (http://americanapparel.net/), they manufacture clothing here competitively in a huge operation in California with good paying jobs and great quality. There are many others, it is all about balancing automation with traditional production, but it's impossible for anyone to compete with slave wages from companies like Foxconn.

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  • macadam212
    Mar 28, 11:06 AM
    Maybe they want the iPhone and iPod Touch to come out at the same time?

    They are almost the same product.

    Jul 21, 02:37 PM
    Noooo....must...resist urges to buy...new MBP's

    Just have to keep reminding myself I cant afford these things right now..

    Oh, you can afford it.... it's just that you'll be eating ramen for quite a while.

    May 3, 05:49 PM
    We may need a woman in charge, because Lord knows none of the men will ask for directions. ;)

    That is what a GPS is for babe!;)

    May 4, 05:07 PM
    but she is heavenly :)

    btw, love the name selections
    haven't figured out wilmer and rosius, though.

    Rhon, Wilmer and Rosius are completely made up. I also didn't come up with 'villian'. ravenvii is the mastermind behind that one.

    Apr 28, 03:21 PM
    I think that is not quite true.. hot air rises and the top compartment is not fully closed, last time i saw, there are vents for the HDD's in the "shelf" they slide in that allow hot air to go to the top compartment keeping them a bit fresher, and the PSU even warmer.

    Feel free to correct me on this since i only opened the case once and it was like an year ago

    while the PSU will get fresh air from the front, it will also get the hot that rises from the bottom, Hot HDD's included.

    I'm not exactly sure why Apple put those "vents" in the plate, they sure don't go through the whole panel, though. The compartment to the top is indeed closed apart from a few tiny holes.

    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    If they do then the iPhone 4 will be my last iPhone. The iPhone 4 is big enough. Any larger and it won't fit as nicely in pockets.

    I'm sure he just means the screen and it has been proven that a 4" screen will not increase the physical size of the phone.

    Even if it went to 4.5" or 5" and made the phone slightly bigger, you probably wouldn't even notice (but this is more than extremely unlikely to happen)